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Onwards and upwards!

Onwards and upwards!

Once you've started your club and you have a format and a routine established, you may want to think about adding some extra activities to tailor your club and make it unique.

The following sections are intended to act as a toolkit of ideas to try out in your club if you wish. You don't have to do all of these things — these sections give insight into some things that club leaders have already tried out and that worked well to enrich their clubs.

We've said it before, and we'll say it again: Code Club is designed to be flexible to suit you and your learners.


You are free to run your club in the way that suits the venue, club leaders, and the club members.

At the end of each session, the children get an opportunity to write something in the coding journal I ask them to keep — it could be a reflection on their work, or something they have learnt that evening, or just an example of coding in the real world. It is up to them. I encourage them to keep the journal alongside them as they work, so they can make note of new knowledge, ideas, or anything they would like to ask about at the end-of-session get-together. — Denise Philips, Code Club leader, Towngate Junior School, Southampton