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Certificates and motivation

Celebrating success with your club is really important and helps to keep everyone motivated.

Depending on how your Code Club is structured, you could build this into each session, into a session at the end of each term, or you could do it at a yearly celebration.

There are lots of different ways to do celebrate success — here are just a few ideas:


Giving certificates works well, because each learner has something with their name on it to take away and show to their friends and family.

Make sure everyone gets a certificate, even if it is just for taking part.

Once you are part of a registered Code Club, you will be able to download a range of certificates when you log in.


Coder of the week

You could also try giving out a small prize, such as a sticker, for a particular achievement. For example, you could give it to the problem-solver of the week, or the club member who has learned most from a failure.


Use these prizes and celebrations as a way of motivating your group. Tell them at the beginning that there are certificates or stickers up for grabs, and remind them that they can work towards these if they are having a tough session.

Another key way of celebrating is with a show-and-tell session. We'll look at how to run an effective show-and-tell in the next step.


Which of these methods will you use in your club to celebrate success? Can you think of any other ways?

Please click Comments below to share your ideas.