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Creating a great club space

Creating an outstanding Code Club brings together lots of elements: projects, club members, software, hardware — and the space where you hold your club sessions is important too.

Adding a few extra touches to your club space can help to create a great atmosphere for your sessions. It doesn't have to be complicated!


Lots of clubs print out a 'Welcome to Code Club' sign and put it up on their club door. If you can't leave it up permanently, don't worry: often clubs laminate the sign or put it in a plastic folder to keep it safe and put it up each week just before their club session starts.


If you do have more space on your club walls, you could also put up posters about coding for inspiration.

Code Club posters on a club wall Code Club posters on the wall of a club space

Another idea could be to have a 'Coder of the Week' display with the name of the club member who has made the most progress.

We'll be talking more about rewarding progress in this way in step 3.6 of this week.


What does your club space look like? How do you think you could decorate it so that it becomes more inspirational for your club members? Describe your space and your ideas using the Comments link below.