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Finishing your session

Finishing your session

Make sure that you give your first session a really clear end, and use this opportunity to establish good routines that will serve you well in future sessions.

Give fair warning

The children will be absorbed in coding and making by now, so give them a ten-minute warning before the session wraps up so that the end doesn’t come as a surprise.

Saving work

Make sure the children know how and where to save their work.

Many hands make light work

If there is equipment to put away at the end of the session, get the children to help you tidy it up — this is a great habit for them to get into, and it will save everyone time.

Packing up is pretty easy — the children save their projects and then take the laptops back to the laptop rack themselves. Adam Cohen-Rose, Code Club leader, Fleetville Junior School, Hertfordshire

Thank you, and see you soon!

Say well done or thank you at the end of each session. As your sessions progress, you can build in extras at the end, such as show-and-tells or celebrations.

We'll look into show-and-tells and celebrations in more detail in Week 3.