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Week 1 recap — make a to-do list

Week 1 recap — make a to-do list

Well done for completing Week 1! You’re well on your way to getting your Code Club started. Let’s take a look back at what we have covered so far:

  • Welcome and introductions
  • What is a Code Club?
  • Thinking about the location and time of your club
  • How to recruit children and ensure they are safe in your club
  • Hardware and software
  • You used a Code Club project to make a Scratch program!

Next week, we’ll be guiding you through the sessions with your club members step by step. We'll talk about:

  • Using the Code Club projects
  • How to structure your first session
  • How to answer questions


Write a to-do list of what you need to do, research, or set up before your sessions begin. Then add your list to the comments.


For example, your list might say:

  • Set aside time to plan how often you want the club sessions to run
  • Register on the Code Club website
  • Decide which coding language to start off with in your club

Share your list with other learners on the course by clicking Join the discussion below.

You might get some good ideas from someone else’s list which you can add to your own.