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Try out a Code Club Scratch project

The best way to learn more about Scratch is to try it out! Start off with a Code Club Scratch project called Lost in space, where you'll be making an animation of a monkey in space!

This will give you the chance to see what it's like to work through one of our projects. You'll be guided through all the steps necessary to create something fun with code.

In Week 2, we'll be looking at the Code Club projects and the different ways in which you can use them in your sessions in detail.

But for now, let's get coding!

The project will take about 20–30 minutes to complete depending on your prior experience. Once you’ve had a go, come back and join in the discussion about how you got on.

Click this link to start your Scratch project.


Did you enjoy completing the project? What questions do you think your club members might have about the project?

Click Comments below to start sharing your thoughts.

If you have any problems with the project, or encounter any bugs in your code, you can ask for help here from the other people participating in the course.

You can also share a link to your completed project if you wish.

Loved that project and want to try more? Try out the next Scratch projects in Code Club Scratch Module 1.