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Get your software ready

You’ll need software for coding too, so let’s talk about the options.

Code Club provides free projects with which the club members learn to use Scratch, Python, HTML/CSS, and Sonic Pi. Most clubs start with the simple and free programming language called Scratch.


Scratch is a graphical programming language developed by the Lifelong Kindergarten group at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Users drag and combine code blocks to make a range of programs, including animations, stories, musical instruments, and games.

scratch kid

One of the brilliant things about Scratch is that it is totally free. Head over to for access.

There are different ways to use Scratch, so you can choose which one suits you, your learners, and your hardware best.

How to code in Scratch


You can download Scratch to a laptop or desktop computer from the Scratch website. Once it is downloaded and installed, you won’t need an internet connection to use it, and the children will be able to save their work locally.


Scratch can be used online too. You don’t need an account to use Scratch online, but if you want to give the children the chance to save their work in order to access it again from any internet-enabled computer, they will need accounts.

Having a Scratch account also gives users the option to share Scratch creations publicly, and to comment on other people’s creations. Make sure the children in your club understand how to use these options responsibly — we will tell you more about this later.

If you are going to use Scratch online, we recommend that you set up access for your learners using an educator account.

Remember to get appropriate permissions from parents or guardians when you are creating accounts, and make them aware that their child will be able to access their Scratch account outside the club.


Python is a widely used, general-purpose, text-based programming language. Python is often the first text-based language people learn because it’s very readable and you can get things done with fewer line of code than in many other languages. Python has support for graphics and other modules that make coding fun and colourful.

Python is used for real projects in industry, so it’s a useful language to learn. Code Club projects make use of the latest version, Python 3.


HyperText Markup Language (HTML) is a language for describing and structuring web pages. HTML documents can include text, images, sound, and video, using tags to organise the content.

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a language used to format and style HTML documents.

How to code with Python and HTML/CSS


If you want to start using Python and HTML in your club, we recommend you use Trinket. Trinket is a web app that allows you to write and run code in a web browser without installing any additional software.

Trinket can be used without an account, although it’s important to understand that Trinket creates public webpages, and projects that can be viewed by anyone with a link. Trinket accounts make it easier to keep track of projects and to make updates. Please note that parental permission is required for Trinket accounts for children under 13 years of age.

Active clubs can download template permission letters from the Code Club website to give to parents.

Sonic Pi

Sonic Pi is a programming environment that lets you create music and other sounds with code. Sonic Pi is included in the recomended software for the Raspberry Pi operating system, and it is also available as a free download for macOS, Windows, and Raspberry Pi OS.


What hardware and software do you plan to use? What challenges are involved in setting it up in your space? What great solutions have you come up with that you can share?

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