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What do I need to know to be a Code Club volunteer?

What do I need to know to be a Code Club volunteer?

You absolutely don't need to be a developer, engineer, or coding genius to run a Code Club.

Even if you're a complete newcomer to coding, you can still volunteer at a Code Club, and doing so is a great way to extend your digital skills.

Using the free step-by-step projects Code Club provides, you can learn to create simple games, animations, and webpages along with your club members.

A great way to prepare for running a Code Club is to complete some projects yourself, and we'll be encouraging you to do that as part of this course.

Code Club has definitely shown me that learning new digital skills isn’t hard. If the kids can do it, so can I. Every week, I try out the project we are going to do at the Code Club at home. I’m really enjoying it, and impressed with my own growing coding skills. Elbrie de Kock, Code Club leader, Fryern Junior School, Southampton