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Meet the team

Meet the team

Before you begin the course, we’d like to introduce some members of the Code Club team who you'll be meeting along the way. They have a wealth of experience in helping to set up after-school coding clubs, and they will be around throughout this course to offer support and guidance.

Christina Foust

Christina is the Clubs Program Manager for North America. She taught middle school science for a number of years and loves working with educators. When she’s not on FutureLearn, you can find her wearing cozy socks, practising ukulele, or hanging out with her dog, Cassie.

Tracy Gardner

Tracy writes projects for Code Club. She’s a computer scientist, and worked at IBM for ten years. She has taught computing to primary school children, and ran a Code Club that her own children attended. She loves mixing coding, electronics, and crafts.

Rik Cross

Rik is responsible for developing Code Club curriculum and training materials. Formerly a secondary school teacher, Rik enjoys picking up new skills and is currently learning to brew beer.

Photos of Christina, Tracy and Rik

Zoe Davidson

Zoe supports the Code Club community in the UK, she has recently taken up pottery and now owns a lovely collection of wonky pots.

Kat Leadbetter

Kat supports the setup and development of Code Clubs across the world, answering their questions and sharing their stories online. She is learning Japanese, and she enjoys playing softball and talking about space.

Kevin Johnson

Kevin supports our youth programmes in North America as the Clubs Program Coordinator. He’s an avid writer with a passion for community engagement and has recently taken up photography. He’s excited to meet new people!

Photos of Zoe, Kat and Kevin

Anna Pearson

Anna is the Code Club Communication and Engagement Coordinator. She is passionate about providing young people with the skills and knowledge to make informed decisions, in turn bridging the digital skills gap. Her favourite colour is red and she is a total chocoholic.

Rohima Crook

Rohima supports the Code Club community across England and Wales. She is passionate about teaching children to code and has run her own online and in-person Code Club sessions. She loves elephants, gardening, and the colour yellow.

Darren Bayliss

Darren is the Code Club Regional Coordinator for Ireland and Northern Ireland. He believes that coding is an essential skill that all children should learn. He's a passionate digital maker and loves doing digital making projects with his kids. He's also a big England & Munster Rugby fan.

Photos of Anna, Rohima and Darren

Divya Joseph

Divya is the Programme Manager for Raspberry Pi Foundation in India. She is passionate about supporting educators and volunteers in India to bring coding and digital-making to young learners from around the country.

Divya Joseph


Vasu is Clubs Coordinator for Raspberry Pi Foundation in India. She is a stationery freak, a puzzle maniac and an absolute enthusiast about community engagement and management. She has been an educator and now is passionately working towards ensuring greater access to digital making all across India.
